Team Member Spotlight: Kathy Duff

Kathy Duff

Quality & Compliance

Credentialing and Licensing Specialist

Introduce yourself!

I’m Sound’s Credentialing and Licensing Specialist. I manage the credentials for hundreds of clinicians here at Sound. It’s people-focused project management.

Tell us something about yourself that we’d be surprised to learn.

I love facts and information. I love learning and then teaching. I’m really into Russian history right now. I feel like it’s important to know about the world. If you don’t learn from the past, you’re condemned to repeat it.

I also love people – helping them, learning about them, making friends, working together as a team is one of my favorite things.

Do you have any hobbies that you’d like to tell us about?

My family is my world. I love my children and grandchildren more than my life. We keep active, going to parks, playing soccer, crafting, baking, reading stories together and of course, learning new things.

Who do you admire most at Sound?

Susie Winston. She is always so encouraging and knows how to utilize one’s strengths for the good of the team. She’s a mentor to me.

What is your favorite thing about working at Sound?

I really appreciate my amazing teammates, and I love all the events that Sound has for team members. It’s nice to feel appreciated. 🙂

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