Addiction Treatment Services

Fentanyl and other drugs are now killing more King County residents each week than Covid-19, according to Seattle and King County Public Health.

Addiction is a disease. Genetics, including your living environment accounts for 40 to 60 percent of risk of addiction.

People living with mental health issues are more at risk for drug use and addiction than other populations.

Nearly 21 million Americans have addiction issues but only 10 percent of them receive treatment. About 20 percent of Americans who have depression or an anxiety disorder also have a substance use issue.

Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 are most likely to use addictive drugs.

Medicaid is welcome here!

Welcome to Sound’s Addiction Treatment Services! We are here to help. With more than four decades of integrated behavioral health experience, we use a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to deliver quality, effective care for alcohol and drug addiction.

Our services include outpatient care, inpatient referral with aftercare and Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) services. Our clinicians teach skills for emotional regulation, relapse prevention, healthy self-care and a path to abstinence, through both groups and individual sessions. With multiple locations, Sound has a location near you.

  • Suboxone for opiate cessation (does not require treatment enrollment)
  • On-site pharmacy
  • Intensive Outpatient (IOP), outpatient, in patient referrals with aftercare
  • Court ordered clients served in specialized program – NO DUI Treatment
  • Matrix curriculum, specializing in stimulant use disorder
  • Harm Reduction approach

Because we are one of King County’s largest providers, we specialize in integrated care that incorporates mental health, medication and primary care treatment.

For your convenience we offer both in-person services as well as telehealth and group services. Walk-in hours are available at our Capitol Hill and Lake City locations.

Please contact Lisa Rogers at to learn more about Sound’s Addiction Treatment Services.

Addiction Treatment Services Brochure

To view or download Sound’s Addiction Treatment Services brochure click here.